Kastrup foto - Sorø
Auction info
Auction address
Rustkammervej 10
DK-4180 Sorø
Auction ends
Dec 11, 2023
kl. 10:00
Dec 8, 2023 kl. 09:00 - 12:00
Pick up
Dec 14, 2023 kl. 09:00 - 15:00
Call us on tel.
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Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Lot no. 15
Mus, løbearmbånd m.m.
Get more info about the product...Hammerstroke
Confirming ...Ended -
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Lot no. 22
Tilbehør til kamera m.m.
Get more info about the product...Hammerstroke
Confirming ...Ended -
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Lot no. 31
Diverse adapter m.m.
Get more info about the product...Hammerstroke
Confirming ...Ended -
Ended: 11-12-2023
Ended: 11-12-2023
Lot no. 33
3 stk. høretelefoner
Get more info about the product...Hammerstroke
Confirming ...Ended -
Ended: 11-12-2023